Chapter 5. Tooling Up for Scriptwriting
This chapter shows the basic menus and tools provided by Celtx to make our writing experience much easier by providing things which remove drudgery. Celtx frees us so that we can be creative!
In this chapter, we will cover:
File menu: Using the File menu options, we can open or create new projects, save our projects (really important), and carry out other operations.
Edit menu: Using the Edit menu, we can undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, make global changes and replacements, and more.
View menu: Using the View menu, we can adjust the look of the shortcut toolbar as needed.
Script menu: Using the Script menu, we can export, import, adapt type (such as changing Film to Audio Play, and so on), change page format (A4 to Letter, and so forth), and more.
Tools menu: Using the Tools menu, we can check spelling, inline spelling, preferences, and more.
Help menu: The Help menu provides us with the various methods of obtaining help and tutorials online.
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