Installing actuator devices in your home
After we hacked and configured our actuator, we had to physically install it in our home. The other devices we have in our home, presented in Table 4.2, were installed in Chapter 3, in the case of the double-measurement sensor, or have a simplified installation, as in the case of the TP-Link Kasa plug. Therefore, we will not need to be concerned about them.
Let us get started with the installation, providing some valuable information prior to the work being done. Later, we will be installing and testing the devices. At the end of the chapter, we will give information about the installation of other types of devices.
Getting started with the actuator installation
Some of the most used devices in your home will be Sonoff actuators. The availability of these devices is high, from assorted brands. They can be used to control lights and appliances in your home, which is involved as part of all automation routines in a home automation system...