Cloud Dataflow
Google Cloud Dataflow is a managed data transformation service, with a unified data processing model designed to process both unbounded and bounded datasets. Cloud Dataflow is a serverless platform—developers write code in the form of pipelines, and submit those pipelines to Cloud Dataflow for execution. There are no servers or other infrastructure to manage, allowing teams to quickly get up and running with large-scale data transformations. The core design of Cloud Dataflow allows for advanced concepts, such as autoscaling workers and dynamically rebalancing workloads across those workers, greatly lowering execution time while maximizing efficiency.
With integrations across the Google Cloud Platform catalog, Cloud Dataflow is a very flexible service and can handle data processing needs for a wide array of use cases. This includes both traditional data analytics workloads, as well as common operational tasks, such as database migrations, replaying Pub/Sub messages stored in...