The web page interface
The following screenshot shows the simple web page that is included with the code that comes with this book. The interface allows you to turn all four of the outputs on and off. You can easily change the names on the buttons and the headings by editing the provided HTML code.

The web interface
The web page is hosted by the BeagleBone/Alarm system, using the BeagleBone's built-in socket server.
What this means is that you can use your smart phone to access the alarm remotely so as to:
Turn low-voltage lighting on and off by driving a relay from one of the outputs
Turn your sprinkler system on or off using an output and the solenoid board
Open or close your electric blinds using the DC motor controller board
Open your garage door by connecting a relay across the manual open button that comes with the door
You can even use your smart phone as a panic button to activate the siren and strobe, if you can't reach the one you didn't think you would need!