The basics of functioning
When we have a baby, it's quite normal to buy different devices to check when the baby cries or has a fever, or if the baby is still breathing during sleep. So, in this chapter, we'll try to implement several smart sensors to detect these states of danger using our BeagleBone Black and some special sensors.
Warning! Let me remind that this project is a prototype and it cannot be used as a personal safety application! It's simply a study of a possible implementation of a baby room sentinel device.
Neither the author of this book nor Packt Publishing recommends or endorses that this product be used alone or as a component in any personal safety applications. The reader is warned about the fact that these sensors and controls do not include the self-checking redundant circuitry needed for such use.
Neither the author of this book nor Packt Publishing will be held liable for unauthorized use of this prototype. The users can use this device at their...