Exploring CloudWatch Contributor Insights and its use cases
We briefly discussed CloudWatch Contributor Insights (CCI) in Chapter 3, Gathering Operational Data and Alerting Using Amazon CloudWatch, as a part of Layer 4 and discussed its functionalities. CloudWatch Contributor Insights, as the name suggests, will allow you to know the top contributors to a specific log group(s) or natively supported AWS services such as DynamoDB. CloudWatch Contributor Insights supports logs in the format of JSON or CLF (short for Common Log Format) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Log_Format).
A contributor can be any field within a log entry that can be aggregated. The main configuration object is known as a rule, which can be applied to one or multiple log groups, up to 20 at a time. The log entries in the selected log groups are evaluated against the rule, and any matching logs are referred to as events. Rules can be either custom or pre-defined. CCI rules help you evaluate patterns in structured...