Demystifying microcontroller
We will start exploring the microcontroller by comparing it to something we already know about: our brain. Let's refer to the following diagram. You have already seen this diagram in the last chapter, but this one has more clues to demystify the microcontroller:

Close your eyes for a moment, and think about everything you know about yourself: your hobbies, things you like, things you do, and so on. Write it down in your observation notebook. We are going to learn about ourselves today!
Microcontrollers are a fascinating piece of technology created by our species. They consist of three major parts; they are:
Processor core: This processes everything; it is is the brain of the microcontroller
Program memory: This consists of instruction and acts as memory for the controller, just as our brain has memory.
Inputs and Outputs: This is used to process external data. This is also where external devices connect all of which are controlled by the micro controller...