New terms and important words are shown like this: "In the preceding diagram, the mandator represents an arbitrary company or organization serving mass market customers."
Chapter and Section Numbering
We use Roman numeral chapter numbers (I, II, III, and so on), so we have the Arabic numbers within chapters in alignment with the arc42 sections. In the sections within chapters, we add the chapter prefix only for the top-level sections. That leads to the following structure:
Chapter II: HTML Sanity Checking
II.1 Introduction and Goals
II.2 Constraints
II.3 Context
Chapter III: Mass Market CRM
III.1 Introduction and Goals
III.2 Constraints
III.3 Context
The first example (HTML Sanity Checking) contains short explanations on the arc42 sections, formatted like this one.
In this book, we keep these explanations to a bare minimum, as there are other books that extensively cover the arc42 background and foundations.