94.4 Converting an Existing Module for Dynamic Delivery
If an app contains an existing feature that is a good candidate for dynamic delivery it can be converted to a dynamic feature with a few basic steps. Consider, for example, the following project structure:
Figure 94-5
In this project, the app module will serve as the base module while the secondfeature module is an ideal candidate for conversion to a dynamic feature module.
To convert an existing module within your app to a dynamic feature module, begin by editing the module level build.gradle file (Gradle Scripts -> build.gradle (Module: secondfeature) in the above example) and modifying it to use the com.android.dynamic-feature instead of the com.android.application plugin, and changing the dependencies so that the module only depends on the base (app) module. For example:
apply plugin: 'com.android.dynamic-feature'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir...