89.3 Handling App Link Intents
In most cases, the launched activity will need to gain access to the app link URL and to take specific action based on the way in which the URL is structured. Continuing from the above example, the activity will most likely display different content when launched via a URL containing a path of /welcome/newuser than one with the path set to /welcome/existinguser.
When the activity is launched by the link, it is passed an intent object containing data about the action which launched the activity including a Uri object containing the app link URL. Within the initialization stages of the activity, code can be added to extract this data as follows:
val appLinkIntent = intent
val appLinkAction = appLinkIntent.action
val appLinkData = appLinkIntent.data
Having obtained the Uri for the app link, the various components that make up the URL path can be used to make decisions about the actions to be performed within the activity. In the following...