50.2 MotionLayout
When implementing animation, the ConstraintLayout container typically used in a user interface must first be converted to a MotionLayout instance (a task which can be achieved by right-clicking on the ConstraintLayout in the layout editor and selecting the Convert to MotionLayout menu option). MotionLayout also requires at least version 2.0.0 of the ConstraintLayout library.
Unsurprisingly since it is a subclass of ConstraintLayout, MotionLayout supports all of the layout features of the ConstraintLayout. A user interface layout can, therefore, be designed in exactly the same way when using MotionLayout for any views that do not require animation.
For views that are to be animated, two ConstraintSets are declared defining the appearance and location of the view at the start and end of the animation. A transition declaration defines key frames to apply additional effects to the target view between these start and end states, together with click and swipe handlers...