Importing GPO into SCM
An exported GPO-based policy can be imported directly into SCM. An administrator can perform the following steps to complete this task:
Open Microsoft Compliance Security Manager.
From the Import section on the right pane, select the GPO Backup (Folder) option.
SCM – Import
In the Browse For Folder window, select the GPO backup folder. Click on OK.
In the GPO Name window, confirm or change the baseline name. Click on OK.
In the SCM Log window, you will see the status. Click on OK to close the window.
You will see the imported policy under Custom Baselines | GPO Import | Policy Name.
Currently, SCM supports importing from GPO backup and SCM CAB files. If you have some other policy or baseline (for example, DISA STIGs) that you would like to import into SCM, you need to import these polices into Active Directory first, and then export/backup to GPO before you can import into SCM.