A comprehensive guide containing all the best practices for voice application development for Android
Progress quickly from basic apps to more advanced topics
Written in an easy-to-follow style with detailed descriptions of the included code examples to help you learn quickly and efficiently
You can download the updated code here
Speech technology has been around for some time now. However, it has only more recently captured the imagination of the general public with the advent of personal assistants on mobile devices that you can talk to in your own language. The potential of voice apps is huge as a novel and natural way to use mobile devices.
Voice Application Development for Android is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a series of clear, step-by-step examples which will help you to build on the basic technologies and create more advanced and more engaging applications. With this book, you will learn how to create useful voice apps that you can deploy on your own Android device in no time at all.
This book introduces you to the technologies behind voice application development in a clear and intuitive way. You will learn how to use open source software to develop apps that talk and that recognize your speech. Building on this, you will progress to developing more complex apps that can perform useful tasks, and you will learn how to develop a simple voice-based personal assistant that you can customize to suit your own needs.
For more interesting information about the book, visit http://lsi.ugr.es/zoraida/androidspeechbook
Voice Application Development for Android is for all those who are interested in speech technology and for those who, as owners of Android devices, are keen to experiment with developing voice apps for their devices. It will also be useful as a starting point for professionals who are experienced in Android application development but who are not familiar with speech technologies and the development of voice user interfaces. Some background in programming in general, particularly in Java, is assumed.
Use text-to-speech synthesis so that your device can talk to you
Enable your device to recognize your speech
Create simple voice interactions to get information and carry out commands
Develop a voice app that engages in a dialogue with you to collect the information required to perform a transaction
Use grammars to enable your app to understand the meaning behind your words
Make use of different languages in your apps
Add multimodal interaction to your apps as an alternative to speech
Build a voice-based personal assistant using an open source development platform for chatbots