The benefits of deploying a VDI solution
With VMware Horizon View 6.0 delivering virtual desktops, you transform your desktop environment into a centrally managed service, enhancing the end user experience and productivity at the same time. At a higher level, Horizon View 6.0 delivers the following:
- Secure desktop environment: With centralization, you control your data and deploy policies so that no data leaves the data center, protecting your IP.
- Centralized management: Centralizing your desktops as virtual machines not only gives you a central and single point of management, but it also allows for easier operating system or application updates as well as faster deployment of desktop resources.
- Flexibility and scalability: This allows you to scale resources up and down quickly as per your business demands, taking into consideration peaks and troughs for seasonal or contract/project-based workers.
- Mobility and Bring-your-own-device (BYOD): This also fits into the flexibility category, but this time allows end users to use devices that suit their needs plus they have the ability to work from anywhere. This also means that organizations don't have the expense of providing employees with hardware, and having to support that hardware.
- Operational cost savings (OPEX): One of the things we hear all the time is that deploying VDI will reduce costs. While that is true, let's be clear that we are talking about operational costs that would potentially be reduced, but sometimes, the capital costs (CAPEX) at the beginning of a VDI project might be higher as you roll out the infrastructure. However, the overall costs over a period of time will reduce through savings in the management of the solution and the fact that you would not be caught in the typical three-year PC refresh cycle trap.
Now that we have talked about what VDI in VMware Horizon View terms is and the differences with SBC, in the next section, we are going to focus on the VMware VDI solution, Horizon View, and take a brief history lesson that covers the background story of where VMware and its VDI story began.