Character controllers
Now that we have put together a character design, model, and rig, we need to set up a controller to have them react to inputs. There are two general methods for character controllers. The built-in character controller that Unity provides will allow you to have a character walk around, up stairs, and easily build in further functions of interaction, but it has its limits. The largest limitation is that it is not used as a physics object. If you need your character to get pushed around by physics, there is a second option available. The second option is using a Rigidbody and collision capsule with a character script using these as restrictions to the physics engine. Just as you may have come to expect by now, to choose the correct option here we need to ask questions! The following are some examples:
- What are the primary mechanics?
- Do I need physics for movements?
- How many other limitations will there be for my character?
After some...