Visualizing an iSAX index
In this section, we are going to begin visualizing iSAX indexes.
As in most areas of computing, your visualizations are going to improve over time. The first visualizations are usually less beautiful and/or informative than later ones. So, we are going to experiment and try things before we end up with a good-looking iSAX visualization.
As visualizations include personal taste, your visualization of choice might differ from the ones used in this chapter. However, we need to start doing and improve in the process!
Let us begin with the visualization of the next subsection.
A personal story
At the time of writing this book, I am doing research related to iSAX. In one of my experiments, I ran a utility that creates two iSAX indexes and joins them in a more sophisticated way than the one presented in Chapter 5. The utility processed 2 time series with 500,000 elements each and ran for more than 18 days! Additionally, it took the same utility about...