Finalizing the sculpture’s anatomy
When you are satisfied with the basic anatomy of your model, it is time to refine it, shifting your attention from anatomical correctness and accuracy to visual appeal. In this section, you will introduce asymmetry and change the pose from a neutral stance to one that is more dynamic and interesting. Finally, you will add veins and apply a skin texture using the NoiseMaker plugin.
Posing your model
At this point, you can go ahead and pose your model. Here’s a look at the difference between a neutral pose and a more dynamic one; you can see how introducing a shift in shoulders and hips can improve your character’s presentation:

Figure 8.59 – Neutral versus dynamic pose
While there are a couple of ways to pose your model in ZBrush, a good way of posing a simple model is to use masking and the Gizmo, as follows:
- Switch to the lowest subdivision level.
- Using MaskPen or any other...