Downloading projects
If you liked Chapter 9, Project Remixing, you're probably going to want to download a lot of projects to work with! This is a fun way to get new projects to work on.
Getting ready
Create your account on the Scratch website and be sure that you are logged in. Then head to a project page for a project that you're interested in downloading.
How to do it...
Follow these steps and you'll be ready to remix in no time:
On the project page there will be a small box that allows you to See inside.
You'll see the project as if it were your own. You can change the project and remix it on the downloadable version of Scratch (to be released Summer 2013) or continue with these steps.
Note that if you want to remix a project, you might just want to hit the remix button that has been added to Scratch 2.0. This will save the project as your own, allowing you to add your own touches to it.
Click on File and choose Download to your computer.
Note that you don't need to download the project unless you want to work directly on your computer. You can just work on the project in your browser as well. Also, note that if you have Scratch 1.4 installed, anything created in Scratch 2.0 will not open. In other words, Scratch files downloaded will be .sb2
files instead of .sb
files. Keep in mind that .sb2
files will not open in Scratch 1.4.
You are now set to use Scratch to collaborate and share with the entire Scratch community (and the world)!