SVG implementation tips
We're almost at the end of this chapter now and there is still so much we could talk about regarding SVG. Therefore, at this point, I'll just list a few unrelated considerations. They aren't necessarily worthy of protracted explanations, but I'll list them here in note form in case they save you from hours of searching Stack Overflow:
- If you have no need to animate your SVGs, opt for an image sprite of your assets or a data URI style sheet. It's far easier to provide fallback assets and they almost always perform better from a performance perspective.
- Automate as many steps in the asset creation process as possible; this reduces human error and produces predictable results faster.
- To insert static SVGs in a project, pick a single delivery mechanism and stick to it (image sprite, data URI, or inline). It can become a burden to produce some assets one way and some another and maintain the various implementations...