Low-level circuit programming of quantum computers
In the previous section, we saw the usefulness of HLLs for classical computers, which use a compiler or interpreter to take care of the translation of high-level code into machine code. We also saw that larger programs, such as software or computer applications, will be very difficult to write in low-level languages as the code becomes very complex and harder to understand.
As you know, quantum computing is currently in its early stages of development and the process that the field of quantum computing is going through is very similar to that of classical computing. Today, thanks to the HLLs of classical computing, we have software development kits available in classical HLLs that help us to program basic operations on quantum computers. Some of the prominent examples of these kits are Microsoft Q#, IBM Qiskit, and Google Cirq, which will be discussed in the next section.
Most of the programming for quantum computing is done...