Installing the OpenCV library
Until now, we've only used the standard Processing video library to do some basic computer vision. If you want to do some more advanced stuff, such as face recognition, you'll need to use the OpenCV library.
How to do it...
OpenCV for Processing and Java is available for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. Everything you need to install the library can be found at
The first thing you need to do is install OpenCV. On Windows, you need to download the OpenCV release version 1.0 package and install everything on your computer. For Mac OS X, there is an OpenCV framework 1.1 available. Download the DMG file, open it, and install the package. On Linux, you need to download the OpenCV archive and compile/install everything yourself.
The second step in this process is to download the OpenCV Processing library, unzip it, and drag the folder to your Processing libraries folder. The folder structure should look like the following screenshot...