The Thin Kettle JDBC Driver provides a means for a Java-based client to query the results of a transformation.
It is a new concept pioneered by Matt Casters, (@mattcasters
), the Chief Architect of Data Integration at Pentaho and Kettle project founder. It allows any Java-based, JDBC-compliant tool, including third-party reporting systems, to execute a query against a predefined Kettle transformation. This works a lot like a traditional SQL query. The user connects to a thin JDBC data source (Transformation) and sends a SQL query to the data source. The transformation is executed based on the SQL query, and a result set is returned.
The Thin Kettle JDBC Driver is a feature that is available only in Pentaho Enterprise Edition since version 5.0.
In this chapter, we will teach you how to use the Thin Kettle JDBC Driver with the Carte and Data Integration servers. As with the rest of the book, we will be using Pentaho Enterprise Edition 5.4. The following diagram shows the Just...