Chapter 7. ETL: Transformations and Other Operators
Now we have completed our first mapping, but there is still more to do. The mapping we completed in the previous chapter was simple, as we just took data from our source database and loaded it into a staging table. We were not at all concerned about what format the data was in, and just wanted to get the data into our staging table in the target environment as quickly as possible. The only other operators we needed besides the source and target tables were a Joiner to pull together the source tables for storing in the staging table, an Aggregator to sum up the data, and a Transformation Operator to truncate the date to remove the time portion. In the previous chapter, we made use of only a very small subset of the Warehouse Builder operators to load and transform data from source into target. We will continue building mappings in this chapter to make use of additional features.
We will be introduced to the concept of transformations and...