Making a concurrent program available to a user
We have created our first concurrent program but now we want to run it. That is exactly what we are going to do in this recipe. However, before we can run it we need to do some configuration. The concurrent program needs to be assigned to a request group and the request group needs to be assigned to a responsibility. The responsibility will have a menu that calls the concurrent request functions. So we are going to perform the following tasks so that we can access and run our concurrent program:
Configure a menu
Register a custom application
Create a new request group
Create a new responsibility
Assign the responsibility to a user
Run the concurrent program
View the request
Please note that it may well be the case that there is an existing responsibility, menu, and request group already defined.
Configure a menu
This recipe will configure a menu which will be attached to the new responsibility we are going to create. This will determine the concurrent programs and forms we will be able to access.
How to do it...
To create a menu, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to Oracle with the Application Developer responsibility.
2. Navigate to Application | Menu and the Menus window will open, as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Enter data as shown in the following table for the master record:
Item name
Item value
User Menu Name
Test Menu
Menu Type
Test Menu
4. Enter data as shown in the following table for the detail records:
View Requests
View All Concurrent Requests
View Requests
Submit Requests
Requests: Submit
Submit Requests
5. Click the Save button in the toolbar (or Ctrl + S) to save the record.
Please note that the submenu item allows us to inherit existing menus. In this case, Oracle has already built a generic menu that we can add to our menu called Requests Menu - Other Responsibilities.
6. Exit the form.
How it works...
The menu is what a user will see in the navigator when they are assigned a responsibility that has our menu assigned to it. More specifically the user will see the Prompt value which when selected will launch the function assigned to it. The menu can also be assigned a submenu. If you add a submenu the whole menu will be inherited and any functions it contains. We have created a simple menu that has the standard concurrent request functions added to it, so that we can run and view our concurrent program.
There's more...
We can see the menu structure that we have created and how it may look to the user.
Viewing a menu structure
If after we have saved the menu we wish to see how it will look, we can click on the View Tree button from the Menus screen. It will open a new window which will show us the menu we have just created. The following screenshot shows what we have just created (the menu has been fully expanded):

Create a new request group
When we define a responsibility we can also assign a request group to it. A request group is a list of concurrent programs or request sets that a responsibility will see when they run a concurrent request. We are going to add a request group that will have our concurrent program in it.
How to do it...
To create a request group perform the following:
1. Log in to Oracle with the System Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to Security | Responsibility | Request and the Request Groups window will open as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Enter data as shown in the following table for the master record:
Item name
Item value
XXHR Request Group
XXHR Custom Application
XXHR Request Group
4. Now we are going to add the concurrent program we created in the Defining a concurrent program recipe. Navigate to the Requests region and enter data as shown in the following table for the detail record:
XXHR First Concurrent Program
XXHR Custom Application
5. Click the Save button in the toolbar (or Ctrl + S) to save the record.
6. Exit the form.
How it works...
We have now created a request group that contains our concurrent program. When we assign the request group to our responsibility the concurrent program will appear as a list of concurrent programs when we want to run a request. The responsibility only has access to programs in the request set assigned to it.
Create a new responsibility
Now to create our new responsibility that will run the concurrent program.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to create a new responsibility called XXEBS Extending e-Business Suite:
1. Log in to Oracle with the System Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to Security | Responsibility | Define and the Responsibilities window will open as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Enter data as shown in the following table for the master record:
Item name
Item value
Responsibility Name
XXEBS Extending e-Business Suite
XXHR Custom Application
Responsibility Key
XXEBS Extending e-Business Suite
Data Group: Name
XXHR Custom Application
Test Menu
Request Group: Name
XXHR Request Group
4. Click the Save button in the toolbar (or Ctrl + S) to save the record.
5. Exit the form.
How it works...
We have now created a responsibility that has the menu we created earlier and our request group assigned to it.
Assign the responsibility to a user
Now we are going to create a user and assign the responsibility we created to the user.
How to do it...
To create a new user, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to Oracle with the System Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to Security | User | Define and the Users window will open, as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Enter data as shown in the following table:
Item name
Item value
User Name
<enter your password>
TEST01 User
Password Expiration
Please note that when you enter a password and press the Tab key the cursor will remain in the password field as you have to enter the password again.
4. In the Direct Responsibilities tab, add XXEBS Extending e-Business Suite to the responsibility field.
You can also just type the first few characters and then the Tab button. If there is more than one record then a list of values will appear. In this case, you could have typed XXEBS and then the Tab key.
5. Click the Save button in the toolbar (or Ctrl + S) to save the record.
6. Exit the form.
How it works...
We have now created a user so that we have access to the responsibility we created. If you already have a user that you have created, you can add the responsibility to that user if you prefer.
Run the concurrent program
Now we can run the concurrent program we have created.
How to do it...
To run the concurrent program, perform the following steps:
1. Log in to Oracle with the user that has the XXEBS Extending e-Business Suite responsibility assigned to it.
2. Navigate to Submit Requests | Submit and a Submit a New Request window will open, as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Select Single Request and click the OK button.
4. The Submit Request screen will open, as shown in the following screenshot:
5. Click on the Name field and select XXHR First Concurrent Program from the list of values.
6. Click on the Submit button.
7. A decision box will appear informing us that the request has been submitted.
8. Click on the No button as we do not wish to submit another request at this time.
9. Exit the form.
How it works...
The request has now been submitted. The next time the concurrent manager runs in the background it will execute the request. We now want to view the request to see if it has completed successfully.
View the request
We want to see the outcome of the concurrent request and we can do this from the menu.
How to do it...
To view the request, perform the following:
1. Navigate to View | Requests, as shown in the following screenshot:
2. The Find Requests window will appear, as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Click on the Find button in the bottom-right hand side corner.
4. The Requests window will appear and you will see the concurrent program that was executed, as shown in the following screenshot:
5. You can see that the concurrent program has been completed successfully.
The Requests screen does not automatically refresh so you will need to click on the Refresh Data button to refresh the screen until the Phase has changed to Completed.
How it works...
We have now run the request we created. If you want to see details about the concurrent request then click on the View Details button. If you want to see any output click on the View Output button. The output file will often say there is no output as it will only display data if the executable program writes to the output file. If you wish to see log messages then click on the View Log button. Unless the executable program has written to the log file, you will see generic information about the concurrent request that is written by Oracle for every request. Developers often write information to the output and log files relating to the executable program that has been run.
See also...
Adding messages to the concurrent program log file.
Reporting to the concurrent program output file.