Creating invoices
The customer needs to be invoiced for the goods. In this recipe, we will run Autoinvoice for all outstanding sales orders and view the generated invoice for the order number 66414.
Getting ready
The order needs to be shipped before we can create the invoice.
How to do it...
Let's create the invoice for all outstanding sales orders.
Let's list the steps required to complete the task:
1. Navigate to Receivables | Interfaces | AutoInvoice.
2. In the Submit a New Request form, click on the OK button.
3. In the Autoinvoice Submit Request form, select Autoinvoice Master Program.
4. Select the Import source of ORDER ENTRY in the import source field.
5. Enter 07-Feb-2011 in the Default Date field.
6. Leave the defaults for all the other fields.
7. Click on the OK button.
8. Click on the Submit button.
Viewing the invoice details for order 66414.
9. Navigate to Orders, Returns | Quick Order Organizer.
10. In the Order Number field, enter 66414.
11. Click on the Find button. The Order details...