Nautobot jobs versus Ansible playbooks
This book has its focus on Nautobot, but we must all recognize the role Ansible has played and continues to play in the world of network automation. We thought it was good to call out some reasons why you may opt to use Ansible playbooks versus Nautobot jobs (which are covered in the next chapter). Here is what we’ve generally seen in the industry over the last few years:
- Ansible has a lower barrier to entry because it does not require coding but Ansible is more difficult to use for more complex use cases
- Python/Jobs have a higher barrier to entry because users have to learn coding, but it allows for more complex use cases further down the automation path
- Ansible has been the de facto standard for getting started with network automation
- Python and the use of Netmiko, NAPALM, and Nornir is a close second to Ansible
- Due to the lower barrier of entry of Ansible and enterprises adopting Ansible AWX or Ansible Automation...