Configuration Reference: Theme Settings
These are the theme-related parameters, some of which have been used in Chapter 7, Moodle Look and Feel.
There are two parameters that are set in the config.php
$CFG-> allowthemechangeonurl (Binary)
This activates session themes.
$CFG-> themeorder (Array)
To change the priority of page themes, modify the parameter to reflect the new order. The default is set to ('page', 'course', 'category', 'session', 'user', and 'site').
The remaining values, which are listed next, are set within the config.php
file of a particular theme.
$THEME->blockssheets (Binary)
If set to 'true', styles.php
will be used for all block modules. Disable this only if needed.
$THEME->customcorners (Binary)
If set to 'true', rounded corners for blocks will be supported.
$THEME->custompix (Binary)
If changed to 'true', a pix directory is required containing copies of moodle/pix
and pix/mod
containing custom icons for activities.
$THEME->filter_mediaplugin_colors (Settings)
Settings of the built-in Moodle media player:
Colors (same as explained in the previous point)
Player (waitForPlay)
$THEME->langsheets (Binary)
If changed to 'true', styles.php
will be used for each language. That way, different styles can be used for different languages.
$THEME->makenavmenulist (Binary)
If changed to 'true', a variable called $navmenulist
will be available in header.html
, which is used for creating pop-up navigation menus such as the Jump to… menu.
$THEME->modsheets (Binary)
If set to 'true', styles.php
will be used for all activity modules. Disable this only if needed.
$THEME->navmenuwidth (Numeric)
Number of characters displayed in the 'Jump to…' menu inside modules (default is 50).
$THEME->parent (String)
Name of the parent theme.
$THEME->parentsheets (Array)
List of styles used from the parent theme.
$THEME->resource_mp3_player_colors (Settings)
Settings of the built-in Moodle MP3 player:
Colors (bgColour, btnColour, btnBorderColour, iconColour, iconOverColour, trackColour, handleColour, loaderColour)
Fonts (font and fontColour)
Player (buffer, waitForPlay and autoPlay)
$THEME->sheets (Array)
This is the order in which included stylesheet files are used in the theme.
$THEME->standardsheets (Array)
List of styles used from the standard theme.