Reducing and controlling costs
The following are some of the ways we can reduce and control costs:
- Optimize resources: This is an operational activity. Its purpose is to identify any resources that are not used and can be deleted, any resources that can be right-sized onto more cost-optimal resource types or sizes, and identifying any resources that don't need to be running 24/7 and that could be shut down or paused to avoid costs. Any resources running on IaaS should be evaluated to see whether they can be moved to PaaS, serverless, or SaaS. Azure Advisor is an essential tool for this activity; tags should also be used to identify costs owners.
- Azure hybrid benefit: This is a licensing benefit and allows an organization to maximize any investment in existing on-premises Software Assurance (SA)-enabled Windows Server or SQL licenses (or eligible subscription-based licenses); this removes the need to license and pay with the Pay as You Go (PAYG) model. For a VM, this...