In this chapter, we learned how to set up both the gRPC client and the server. We did so by manually adding gRPC capabilities to our .NET projects instead of creating new projects from the gRPC template. For our server, we started with a standard ASP.NET Core project template, while our client used the most basic Console Application template.
We had a look at how the gRPC compiler generates code from Protobuf files and how that auto-generated code is affected by changes that are made to the content of those files.
Finally, we covered the process of sharing the same proto file between different applications via a shared class library so that you, as a developer, would not accidentally apply incompatible Protobuf definitions to your client and the server.
In the next chapter, we will have a more detailed look at the use cases of gRPC. Although it's a great communication protocol, it has its limitations, and it's not the best solution for every situation. So, you will learn when it's best to use gRPC and when alternative solutions might be better.