Chapter 7. Managing and Configuring Desktop Pools
Now that you have prepared a number of desktop images in the previous chapter, the next step is to configure desktop pools that will deliver these desktops to the end users, and so in this chapter, we will look at how to create and manage desktop pools within Horizon View. In Chapter 2, An Overview of Horizon View Architecture and Components, and Chapter 3, Design and Deployment Considerations, we discussed the use cases for the different types of desktop pools within View. To recap, desktop pools are collections of one or more virtual desktop machines that have similar attributes. By this, we mean that they have the same operating system versions, applications, memory, CPU, or other configuration. Different desktop pools can also be built and assigned differently. For example, one pool may be built using Linked Clones, and another could have a dedicated user assignment. The types of pools available are as follows:
Automated desktop pool