Structural patterns
In this section, we will take a look at a structural pattern: the decorator pattern.
The decorator pattern
The decorator pattern is a simple one. It allows us to add new behavior to object instances without affecting other instances of the same class. It basically acts as a decorating wrapper around our object. We can imagine a simple use case with a Logger class instance, where we have a simple logger class that we would like to occasionally decorate, or wrap into a more specific error, warning, and notice level logger.
The following example demonstrates a possible decorator pattern implementation:
<?php interface LoggerInterface { public function log($message); } class Logger implements LoggerInterface { public function log($message) { file_put_contents('app.log', $message . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); } } abstract class LoggerDecorator implements LoggerInterface { protected $logger; public function __construct(Logger $logger) { ...