Xen guest conversion
virt-v2v does not yet natively support converting virtual machines from Citrix's Xen-based virtualization. However you can use virt-v2v for converting virtual machines running on old Xen implementations in CentOS5 or similar hosts that is managed by libvirt.
The following things are to be checked before initiating conversion:
- Make sure that the virtual machine that needs to be migrated to the KVM hypervisor has access to the YUM repository in order to download a non-Xen kernel and some other stuff.
- Make sure that the SSH connection is enabled on Xen Dom0.
- Once you confirm the preceding options, you can start converting your Xen virtual machines using the following commands.
The following are the different targets to which a Xen VM can be converted:
- To convert a Xen virtual machine to a KVM standalone host, run the following command:
# virt-v2v -ic 'xen+ssh://root@xen.example.com' rhel5-1-xen' -o local -os /v2vconvert/ -on rhel5-1-kvm
This command will convert...