We will not be using widgets for the first time in this project, but we will be looking at widgets in great detail in this chapter. We already made use of widgets as part of the Civic Center application. "Which? Where? When did that happen? What did I miss?" Don't panic as you have missed nothing at all. All the components that we use as part of the jQuery Mobile framework are widgets. The page, buttons, and toolbars are all widgets. So what do we understand about widgets from their usage so far?
One thing is pretty evident, widgets are feature-rich and they have a lot of things that are customizable and that can be tweaked as per the requirements of the design. These customizable things are pretty much the methods and events that these small plugins offer to the developers. So all in all:
Widgets are feature rich, stateful plugins that have a complete lifecycle, along with methods and events.
We will now explore a few widgets as discussed before and we will start off with the collapsible...