Advanced debugging tools
With these basic practices under your belt, you're in a good position to deal with most of the issues that will come your way on a normal day. But sometimes, you have to deal with bugs that are anything but normal. In this section, we'll cover two advanced features in Xcode 8 that allow you to find some hidden bugs.
Don't think of these as the only advanced techniques you need to know, but as the beginning of a long education in how to deal with unruly code.
Address Sanitizer
The Address Sanitizer was one of the best new debugging features added to Xcode 7. If you're new to programming, you might not have had enough coding experiences to truly feel the pain that the Address Sanitizer solves.
With Swift, the language is designed to be safer with memory management, and in most cases you don't have to think about memory allocations at all. However, in C and Obj-C code, memory (mis
)management can cause all kinds of trouble.
For example, in C, it...