Combining raster and vector data
Some analyses require a combination of raster and vector data. In the following exercises, we will use both raster and vector datasets to explain how to convert between these different data types, how to access layer and zonal statistics, and finally how to create a raster heatmap from points.
Converting between rasters and vectors
Tools for converting between raster and vector formats can be accessed by going to Raster | Conversion. These tools are called Rasterize (Vector to raster) and Polygonize (Raster to vector). Like the raster clipper tool that we used before, these tools are also based on GDAL and display the command at the bottom of the dialog.
converts a raster into a polygon layer. Depending on the size of the raster, the conversion can take some time. When the process is finished, QGIS will notify us with a popup. For a quick test, we can, for example, convert the reclassified landcover
raster to polygons. The resulting vector polygon...