Working with advanced dynamic forms and editor components
This section explains the advanced Dynaform component for dynamic form creation and editor components such as CKEditor and codeMirror for a user-friendly interface.
The JSF or PrimeFaces panelGrid component can be used to create static forms based on the column count, row count, and positions of the elements. However, the panelGrid component is not useful for dynamic form creation at runtime. For example, the dynamic forms will be very helpful if the form is placed in a database or XML file.
The DynaForm component was created to achieve dynamic forms that include labels, input, select components, and many other form components with the help of model creation.
The following are the major features of this component:
Extended view or grid area
Open or close state saving
Auto submit functionality
Various facets – regular, extended, and button bar
JavaScript widget functions
The DynaForm component will be created with the help of the parent...