Deploying a VM
In the previous chapters (Chapter 3, Understanding Azure Virtual Networks, and Chapter 4, Exploring Azure Load Balancer), we had a chance to deploy a couple of VMs using default parameters. We also made some connections and even ran some commands on them. In this chapter, we’ll extend our knowledge and see what additional options there are when deploying VMs.
Deploying a single VM
When you want to deploy a single VM, you can use one of the commands available in the Azure CLI:
az vm create -n <vm-name> -g <resource-group-name> --image <os-image>
This will create a single machine with the selected operating system. If you want to learn what possible choices for the system are, you need to use another command:
az vm image list --all -o table
This command will display a big list of all images available, including additional information (such as publisher, offer, or SKU). The list itself may be a little too long to quickly find useful...