GROQ versus SQL
The compactness of GROQ simply uses an initial asterisk sign to denote select all documents
, and not a single table by default as in standard SQL. While SQL is a traditional schema database, which means you have to decide the structure of your database in advance, divided into tables. Before storing any data, a programmer must define a table, names, and types of columns inside that table. When adding data to a schema database, a programmer must pass the data in the format declared on each column, any extra data or data not matching the format will not be stored in the database.
Sanity's content model is a schema-less database which means you don't need to define tables and columns. The system stores data as key/value pairs or JSON, basically a one-column table. A programmer will be able to add any data in any format into the database, change the existing data, from a Boolean to a string, for example, and add new data types without declaring a new column...