This chapter was a whirlwind tour of the modern digital JavaScript programming. If you have not worked with the JavaScript language at all or left it far behind for several years, then I do hope that you have been invigorated to learn this essential skill. We looked at the programming of the JavaScript objects. We saw how to construct the objects. We learned about the property notations and dealt with the JavaScript truth.
We paid a particular respectable visit to jQuery—the grandmother or granddaddy of the JavaScript programming. If you learned nothing else, then you can now understand jQuery. We saw how the selectors can search HTML DOM for the elements, which can then be manipulated for effect. We made a brief foray into animation, which opened the door to the creation of more sophisticated experiences for the customers and business owners.
We ventured into dependency management of the modules with RequireJS. We learned how this framework can help a digital developer to organize...