Portraying the player

To create a handy game, you need to draw an imaginary portrait of your future player. You can watch your own behavior and observe how your friends and other people play various types of games. Of course, it will be very subjective and an inaccurate image, but the main tendencies can be noticed. Try to only watch the game, never ask to perform playing on purpose, because in such cases people behave very unnaturally trying to be either too critical inventing insignificant claims or too polite sparing their feelings.
It is easy to see that there are two types of game sessions. The first type is about intentional desire to play a specific title: a person plays a game sitting at home in his armchair or sofa. The time spent on the game is pretty long, there are only a few pauses, and the player plays very enthusiastically. A device can be held by hands or be put on a tabletop, or a special stand, since more fingers can be used to control the game. The second type is more higgledy...