So, what is Adobe Story?
If you installed Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 onto your computer, then you may have noticed the software Adobe Story. Story is an online/offline screen-writing software targeted at writers looking for better ways to keep their scripts and/or projects organized. When it was originally introduced it was a free-to-use software, readily available on Adobe's main website. It allowed the user to log in to the program while signing in with their free Adobe ID. Currently, Adobe Story is available in two different versions, a free version where you can utilize the screenwriting program through Adobe's website or Adobe Story Plus, a subscription-based version where all of its features are unlocked. With the advent of "cloud" technology (where the user entrusts their data and software over a network instead of a hard drive) and more operating systems and developers emphasizing the ability to work seamlessly through the Internet, unhindered by the restraints of a physical hard drive, Adobe Story looked to grab the interest of scriptwriters by offering them a program that would allow them to work on their scripts at home, and while away from their main computer. The ability to access Adobe Story from any computer and pick up where you left off was one of the many attractions Adobe brought about through Story.

Adobe Story also introduced the ability to share your scripts with other Adobe ID users. This is perfect when you are collaborating with multiple editors and reviewers on the same project. Provided they have an Adobe ID account, they would be able to view and edit (depending on the role you assign to them; more on that later) the documents in the project that the team would be working on. Through Adobe Story, a team of individuals are able to share documents without the hassle of e-mail. Editors and reviewers have the ability to make adjustments to the document in question just by logging into their account on either their desktop version of the program or the online version.

Scriptwriting is an art form that those unfamiliar with may have trouble getting started. For those just starting out, with no help or guidance, it may come across as an intimidating task to take on. Adobe Story is a program designed to help guide those who may be talented writers but are unsure of how to approach developing a script using the accepted standard. Scripts in Adobe Story are already set with the default font used in the profession and with each new paragraph, gives the writer the option of choosing the proper format based on what they are about to enter (dialog, an action shot, scene transition, and so on). Story removes the concern that plagues most writers' minds when they are attempting to create a script. No more worries about proper indentation or spacing, the program takes care of it automatically.
Adobe Story is a streamlined, shareable screenwriting program geared towards amateurs and professionals alike. It allows the user to develop professional-looking scripts, while keeping everything for a particular project organized and easily accessible.