More time-saving tips
This recipe lists some of the useful shortcuts that aren't obvious to new users but are very easy to remember and can speed up the drawing process.
The Notification region in the Statusbar
This region shows miscellaneous information about the selected objects or options available for currently selected tools. Since it changes depending on the context it is useful to glance at it often, new users can learn from the tips shown and some necessary information can only be found there. If you can't see the whole message because the region is too small you can hover over it with the mouse and read the tooltip.
Space bar to switch between Selector and other tools
Pressing the Space key on the keyboard will switch between the Selector tool and the tool that was last used. For example you can have an object selected and use the Dropper tool to pick a color for the object. Now you want to do the same for a lot of other objects, the easiest way is to press the Space key to get to...