Drawing clock dial markers using clones
This recipe will teach us the basics of clone manipulation through the example of a very simple clock dial where the hour marks are created using clones.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps to create clock markers using clones:
1. Select the Rectangle tool (F4 or R) and create a narrow vertical rectangle.
2. Unset its fill by using the Unset fill option from the menu popup in the Style indicator or by using the Fill and Stroke (Shift + Ctrl + F) dialog. It will then appear black. Now remove its stroke.
3. Switch to the Selector tool (Space or F1 or S) and bring up the rotation handles on the rectangle by clicking on it twice (not the same as double-clicking).
4. Drag the rotation center (displayed as a crosshair) downwards while holding Ctrl to constrain movement to the vertical axis and drag down, past the bottom edge of the rectangle until you reach a distance roughly equal to the height of the rectangle itself.
5. Clone the rectangle by...