Command-line utilities
Due to the advancements in modern computing and the advent of mobile devices such as tablets, smart phones, and many other devices, we are often accustomed to Graphical User Interface (GUI) over Command-Line Interface (CLI) for most of our computing needs. This trend is heavier in the realm of web applications because of the rich visual experiences that can be delivered using next generation web technologies. However, those of us who are in the development and system administration circles of the world are no strangers to the CLI, and we know that it is often the most powerful way to accomplish an array of tasks pertaining to development and administration. Much of this is a credit to powerful shell environments that have their roots in traditional UNIX environments; popular examples of these are bash
and zsh
. Also, in more recent years, PowerShell for the Microsoft Windows platform has aimed to provide some relatively similar CLI power.
The shell, as it is referenced...