Making money with your games
Releasing a game is a fantastic accomplishment, but every developer at some point is going to want to earn some money from their efforts. The most common way to monetize a game is to place advertising on the site, but there are a few drawbacks with this when it comes to HTML5 games. The first problem is that the site will need a very high volume of traffic before enough clicks have accrued to earn any money. This affects the second problem, which is that advertising only works if people play the game on the specific site's web page. Unfortunately, other sites can embed HTML5 games through an iframe , which is a window inside a web page that allows content from another site to be displayed, and place their own advertising around it. This can be quite frustrating, as it means we are not earning money even though the game is running on our site. Happily, there are other ways to monetize a game, such as sponsorship.
Sponsors are game portals that will pay money to...