Scaling and autoscaling
Scaling is the act of increasing or decreasing the size of a workload or resource depending on the demand for it. Autoscaling is doing this automatically based on some sort of trigger.
As is often the case with workloads and applications, you can become a victim of your own success. The more your application succeeds, the greater the strain on it due to demand from users or services. To manage this strain often requires limitations placed on access to your application. You should do this if you don’t want to get overwhelmed with requests, trust me, because someone will try to do exactly that. But you should also have provisions in your infrastructure that can help it grow naturally with your growing user base.
That is where scaling comes in. Scaling can be done either vertically (adding greater computing power to a device) or horizontally (adding more computers). When performing one powerful act, vertical scaling is ideal and when processing a greater...