Status bar revisited
Last time we touched the status bar, we altered its colors, but we did not do anything to change its content. tmux allows us to change a lot of different aspects of the content of the status bar. We won't have an in-depth look at every possible configuration, but will explain the concept and show one example.
So, the status bar has three chunks basically:
status-left: This represents the stuff on the status bar on the left-hand side, including the current session
List of open windows: This appears in the middle by default
status-right: This represents the stuff on the status bar on the right-hand side, including the current date
Recall our status bar, which appears as shown in the following screenshot:

By default, status-left shows the name of the current session in brackets. We named our session tutorial, so status-left for us is [tutorial].
We can change these. They are just simple strings with some magic character pairs that tmux fills in based on what they mean. For...