Distributing your podcast
There are any number of ways that you can post or offer your podcast to others. The easiest, if your file size is small (under 8 MB), is to just e-mail your audio file to a friend. Or you can store it on a portable USB drive to help transport it to another computer for another person to hear. However, typically you want a larger audience than your neighbor or family, which means that you'll need to find a way to broadcast the podcast or share it through the Internet or a free podcast library. We will outline the details of doing each of these options next.
Sending the file
If all you need to do is share your podcast with a select few (or even have an interviewee approve your podcast for broadcast) you can simply attach the MP3 file to an e-mail message in most mail programs and send the file directly. That is one of the advantages of using the MP3 format—the file sizes are typically small enough for e-mail servers to accept.
Uploading to a website
Often, podcasts are...