- acquisition and update operations
- user authentication / User authentication
- user list, selecting / Selecting the user list
- users, adding / Adding users
- user information, updating / Updating the user information
- users, deleting / Deleting users
- add new function / Loading the grid and implementing toolbar buttons
- bar chart
- creating, for CT / Bar chart for CT
- creating / Creating a bar chart
- Direct function, implementing / Implementing the Direct function
- store, preparing / Preparing the store for the chart
- view, creating / Creating the view
- controller, implementing / Implementing the controller
- Bill form
- creating / Creating the Bill form
- implementing / The Bill form
- Bills table
- about / Bills
- Bill table
- about / Bill and Bills, The Bill table, The Bill table
- border layout / Creating the CT view for import
- charts
- creating, on dashboard / Creating charts on dashboard
- bar chart / Bar chart for CT
- line chart / Line chart for CT
- radar chart / Radar chart for CT
- company structure tables
- User table / The User table
- Customer table / The Customer table
- Quotation table / The Quotation table
- Bill table / The Bill table
- component test (CT) / Creating charts on dashboard
- controllers
- creating / Creating controllers
- main controller / Main
- navigation controller / Navigation
- dashboard controller / Dashboard
- MyAccount controller / MyAccount
- quotation and bill / Quotation and bill
- customer
- about / The customer
- Customers table
- about / The Customers table
- customer information list / The customer information list
- quotation list, selecting / Selecting the quotation list
- items / Items
- Customer table
- about / The Customer table
- dashboard
- charts, creating / Creating charts on dashboard
- layout / Layout to dashboard
- panels / Layout to dashboard
- dashboard controller
- about / Dashboard
- data and validations
- writing / Writing data and validations
- data input
- login page, creating / Creating the login page
- MyAccount form, creating / Creating the MyAccount form
- Quotation form, creating / Creating the Quotation form
- Bill form, creating / Creating the Bill form
- dirty and undirty apps, managing / Managing dirty and undirty apps
- Quotation form / The Quotation form
- Bill form / The Bill form
- read and write processes, implementing with Ext Direct / Implementing the read and write processes using Ext Direct
- data, reading / Reading data
- data and validations, writing / Writing data and validations
- data management
- import and export, designing / Designing Import and Export
- data reading
- readForm method, implementing in My Account / MyAccount
- MyAccount / MyAccount
- read action, implementing for Quotation form / The Quotation form
- read action, implementing for Bill form / The Bill form
- dirty and undirty apps
- managing / Managing dirty and undirty apps
- form, implementing from MyAccount / MyAccount
- each operation
- creating / Creating each operation and testing
- Ext.util.History
- about / Using Ext.util.History for directly accessing a screen
- used, for accessing screen / Using Ext.util.History for directly accessing a screen
- logic, adding to controller / Adding logic to the controller
- Ext Direct
- setting up / Setting up Ext Direct
- applying, to client application / Applying Ext Direct to the client application
- testing / Testing Ext Direct
- used, for implementing read and write processes / Implementing the read and write processes using Ext Direct
- Ext Direct module
- creating / Creating the Ext Direct module
- Ext Direct router
- creating / Creating the Ext Direct router
- Ext JS application
- structure / The structure of the application – User, Customer, Quotation, Quotations, Bill, and Bills
- user / The user
- customer / The customer
- Quotation / Quotation and Quotations
- Quotations / Quotations
- Bill table / Bill, The Bill table
- Bills table / Bills
- company structure tables, creating / Creating and dealing with the customer structure tables
- each operation, creating / Creating each operation and testing
- Customers table / The Customers table
- formHandler method / Writing data and validations
- getGrid method / Loading the grid and implementing toolbar buttons
- grid
- loading / Loading the grid and implementing toolbar buttons
- import and export
- data format / Data format
- view, creating in Quotation / Creating the Import and Export views in Quotation
- server side, preparing for export / Preparing the server side for export
- temporary view, creating for import / Creating a temporary view for import
- CT view, creating for import / Creating the CT view for import
- data, displaying in grid / Creating Upload and Show Data in the grid
- import data, executing / Executing the Import data
- line chart
- creating / Creating a line chart
- Direct function, implementing / Implementing the Direct function
- store, preparing / Preparing the store for the chart
- view, creating / Creating the view
- controller, implementing / Implementing the controller
- loadIndex method / MyAccount
- local development environment setup, with Sencha Cmd
- about / Setting up Sencha Cmd and a local development environment
- directory structure / Setting up Sencha Cmd and a local development environment
- options / Options
- categories / Categories
- commands / Commands
- project, creating / Creating a project with Sencha Cmd
- component test, creating / Creating a component test
- testing / Check how it's working
- production build, creating / Making production build
- CT, into individual views / CT in individual views
- View component / View component
- controllers, adding / Adding controllers
- views, creating / Creating views
- navigation section / Navigation
- viewport / Viewport
- login page
- creating / Creating the login page
- main controller
- about / Main
- MyAccount controller
- about / MyAccount
- MyAccount form
- creating / Creating the MyAccount form
- screen layout, making into card layout / Creating the MyAccount form
- myapp-add event handler / Loading the grid and implementing toolbar buttons
- myapp-edit event / Managing toolbar buttons depending on the grid selection's status
- myapp-show event handler / The Quotation form
- MyApp.util.History class / Using Ext.util.History for directly accessing a screen
- navigation controller
- about / Navigation
- onEditShow method / The Quotation form
- onImport method / Creating a temporary view for import
- onShow event handler / Creating a temporary view for import
- onShow method implementation / Managing toolbar buttons depending on the grid selection's status
- pie chart
- creating, for CT / Pie chart for CT
- creating / Creating a pie chart
- Direct function, implementing / Implementing the Direct function
- store, preparing / Preparing the store for the pie chart
- view, creating / Creating the View
- controller, implementing / Implementing the controller
- quotation and bill controller
- about / Quotation and bill
- Quotation controller
- implementing / Implementing the Quotation controller
- Quotation form
- creating / Creating the Quotation form
- Store component / Store
- field component / The field and grid components
- grid component / The field and grid components
- TopToolbar / TopToolbar
- implementing / The Quotation form
- Quotation list
- creating / Creating the Quotation list
- Quotation model
- creating / Creating the Quotation model
- Quotations table
- about / Quotations
- Quotation table
- about / Quotation, The Quotation table
- Quotation view
- updating / Updating the Quotation view
- radar chart
- creating, for CT / Radar chart for CT
- creating / Creating a radar chart
- Direct function, implementing / Implementing the Direct function
- store, preparing / Preparing the store for the chart
- view, creating / Creating the view
- controller, implementing / Implementing the controller
- read and write processes
- implementing, with Ext Direct / Implementing the read and write processes using Ext Direct
- readForm method
- implementing / The Quotation form
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC) / Setting up Ext Direct
- SearchField
- implementing / Using a search trigger field and a relation URL hash
- Sencha Architect / Creating the MyAccount form
- toolbar buttons
- implementing / Loading the grid and implementing toolbar buttons
- managing / Managing toolbar buttons depending on the grid selection's status
- TSV format / Data format
- user
- about / The user
- User table
- about / The User table
- writeForm method
- implementing / The Quotation form, Loading the grid and implementing toolbar buttons