Global peering interconnectivity Lab
This lab will guide you through creating three VNets within Azure, two in one region and one in another. The purpose of this lab is to explore inter-site connectivity through VNet peering services and confirm that you can emulate on-premises network topologies through the logical networking options available to Azure.
Estimated time: 30 minutes
Lab method: PowerShell and the Azure portal
Lab scenario: In this lab, you play the role of an administrator who is looking to emulate existing work networks that have mesh WAN links across offices using Azure. You want to confirm that you can create VNet interconnectivity, that it can span both local and regional connections, and enable similar functionality to what you have today.
Visit the following link (Lab URL) to the official Microsoft learning GitHub labs, where you will be guided through each task step by step to achieve the preceding objective.
Lab objectives:
- Task 1: Provision...